Meet Our Team of Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants
Learn more about our team by clicking on the Bio’s below.

Stephen D. Roach
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Stephen D. Roach, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, CDEI has been an appraiser in the San Diego area for over 45 years, and has been a co-owner of Jones, Roach & Caringella, Inc. since 1986. His appraisal assignments have included numerous income-producing properties, partial acquisitions, and other significant and complex assignments. He has appraised a wide variety of property types from individual homes to regional shopping centers and master-planned communities. His current work focuses on difficult and complex valuation and consulting assignments, along with litigation support. Mr. Roach has extensive deposition and trial testimony experience. In addition, Mr. Roach has extensive experience appraising undivided and divided fractional interests, including general and limited partnership interests, family limited partnership interests, and LLC interests. He has served numerous times as an arbitrator.
Mr. Roach holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Real Estate from San Diego State University, the MAI, SRA, and AI-GRS designations from the Appraisal Institute, and a CDEI designation from the International Distance Education Certification Center. Mr. Roach currently serves the Appraisal Institute as a member of the Body of Knowledge committee and as a member of the General Comprehensive Examination Panel. He formerly served as the Chair of the International Relations Committee; as Chair, Vice Chair, and a member of the National Education Committee; as a member and the Chair of the Curriculum Subcommittee; as a member of the Finance Committee; as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee; and as a member of the Appraisal Designation and Qualification Committee.
He is a long-time member and former San Diego Chapter Board Member of the International Right of Way Association, a member of Lambda Alpha International (Honorary Society for the Advancement of Land Economics), and a Principal Member of the Real Estate Counseling Group of America. He has extensive teaching and curriculum development and oversight experience for the Appraisal Institute and other organizations, having participated in editing multiple editions of The Appraisal of Real Estate, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, numerous other Appraisal Institute books, and over 30 courses and seminars. He has taught over 200 appraisal courses and seminars throughout the United States, and in Mexico, Germany, South Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan.
Mr. Roach has served as a visiting professor of appraisal theory and practice at the International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training in Taoyuan, Taiwan since 2004.

Robert P. Caringella
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Robert P. Caringella, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS has 25 years of experience in real estate valuation and has been co-owner of Jones, Roach, & Caringella, Inc., since 1996. He holds the MAI designation conferred by the Appraisal Institute. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management Science from the University of California San Diego, he began his appraisal career with Jones & Roach, Inc.
Mr. Caringella has extensive experience appraising many property types in the areas of eminent domain, title claims, civil disputes, lending, litigation, and mitigation. He has specialized experience in redevelopment areas, right-of-way projects, easement interests, contamination, and environmentally sensitive lands. Mr. Caringella has had numerous teaching and speaking engagements involving a wide range of real estate appraisal topics.
Mr. Caringella is a qualified expert witness and has testified at numerous depositions and trials. He is past President of the San Diego Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, and has served on the National Board of Directors of the Appraisal Institute. Currently, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Appraisal Institute Education Trust, and serves on various Appraisal Institute project teams nationally. Mr. Caringella also served for six years on the Board of Directors of an $800 million credit union.

Alison E. Arms
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Alison E. Arms, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS has 15 years of experience in real estate appraisal and consulting and has been a co-owner of Jones, Roach, & Caringella, Inc. since 2023. She has experience in a diverse set of appraisal assignments, including trust, title claims, property tax, mitigation, special use properties, complex partial acquisitions, and litigation support. Ms. Arms has appraised a wide variety of property types from individual homes to large mixed-use projects and a wide array of commercial property types, including unique assets.
Ms. Arms holds the MAI and SRA designations with the Appraisal Institute. She enjoys speaking engagements regarding appraisal and real estate matters. She is an active member of the San Diego Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the International Right of Way Association.
She holds a Real Estate degree from San Diego State University, graduating with honors. She was a 2011 recipient of the national CREW Network Foundation Scholarship, a 2011 recipient of the George and Ruth Warwick Scholarship in Real Estate, and a 2012 recipient of the Robert C. Hird II Memorial Scholarship in Real Estate.

Benjamin F. Kunkel
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Benjamin F. Kunkel, MAI is a senior appraiser with Jones, Roach, and Caringella, Inc., having joined the firm in 2017. He was previously employed with Anderson & Brabant, Inc. Mr. Kunkel has experience appraising a wide range of properties for purposes of eminent domain, mitigation, and litigation. He has a B.A. from Northern Arizona University. Mr. Kunkel holds the MAI designation with the Appraisal Institute. He is active in the San Diego Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, the Appraisal Institute California Government Relations Committee, and the San Diego Chapter of the International Right of Way Association.

Joseph E. Rizzo
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Joseph E. Rizzo, MAI, AI-GRS is an appraiser that has worked as an independent contractor with Jones, Roach and Caringella since the beginning of 2023 where he has gained experience in special use properties, condemnation and eminent domain appraisal, as well as litigation support. Prior to joining JRC, Mr. Rizzo started his own independent valuation firm, Rizzo Realty Advisors in 2022. Mr. Rizzo holds the MAI and AI-GRS designations from the Appraisal Institute. He is an expert in multifamily valuation and has extensive experience in valuing an array of property types including industrial warehouses, office buildings, shopping centers, fast food properties and vacant land. In addition to his appraisal valuation experience, Mr. Rizzo also served as a Senior Commercial Reviewer with First Republic Bank where he reviewed appraisal reports from third-party vendors. He began his appraisal career in 2007 working throughout the greater Los Angeles area before relocating to San Diego.

Jackie Herbin
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Jackie Herbin provides administrative support to the Jones, Roach & Caringella team. She has been with the firm since 2000. Ms. Herbin is a San Diego native and is well known to our clients as a friendly and valuable resource. She is involved with administrative and accounting functions and can be an initial point of contact for contracting and requests for proposals.
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Jones, Roach & Caringella, Inc. offers expert real estate appraisal and consulting services tailored to your needs. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and discover how our 35+ years of experience can benefit you.